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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

P.S. Wish You Were Here (A Letter From Hell)

What if?

What if you had a friend who died without knowing Jesus as their personal Savior?

What if he or she went to Hell?

What if one day you received a letter in the mail from beyond?

A letter from Hell.

A letter from your friend in the flames of eternal torment


The following is a dramatic presentation. It was written by a fictitious High School Student named Josh, to a friend named Zack.

Although Zack had every ppportunity to tell Josh about Jesus… he didn’t.

They were best friends. They played soccer together. They went to classes together. They partied together. They shared their lives with each other.

But there is one thing Zack held back from Josh… his personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The rest of the story is simple and sad...

A few too many beers… A tragic drive home… A crash… a death, a funeral… A Letter

Here is that letter... A letter from Hell.

Dear Zack,
I died today. It’s a lot different than I expected. You see, I always thought that dying would bring me to a world that is foggy and hazy. But this place is crystal clear… It’s even more real than my life on Earth.

I can think. I can talk. I can even feel.

Right after the wreck I could feel my spirit leaving my body. It was the weirdest thing, Zack. I thought I heard you screaming out to me, man. Must have been just imagining things.

At first I was just standing in line, getting registered I guess. They asked me for my name…and began to look in this thing they called the Book of Life.

I guess they couldn’t find it though because this huge angel standing next to me grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me away. I was terrified. I had no idea what was going on. I asked the angel where he was taking me, but he didn’t answer. So I asked him again…

Finally, he told me that only those, whose names were written in the Book of Life, could enter into Heaven and the rest would be condemned to Hell forever.

Man I was scared. The angel threw me into some kind of holding cell. Where I’ve been sitting and thinking for a long long time. Do you want to know what I’ve been thinking about?

I’ve been thinking about YOU.

Zack, You’re a Christian.
You told me so yourself. I mean we talked about it three different times today.

Kelly brought it up and you laughed it off. Coach Adams brought it up and you changed the subject.

I mean, it came up right before the wreck. Well the question I can’t get out of my mind is this, Zack. Why haven’t you ever told me about how to become a Christian?

You say you are my friend, but if you really were you would have told me about this Jesus and told me how to escape this terrible place that I’m headed for.

I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, the angels who have been chosen to cast me into hell are coming down the hallway. I can hear their footsteps.

I have heard of this Hell. They call it the Lake of Fire.

I can’t stand it, Zack. I am terrified. No! The angels are at the door. Oh no, no! They’re coming in and they’re pointing at me. They’re grabbing me and carrying me out of the room.

I already can smell the burning sulfur and brimstone. I can see the edge of the cliff where Hell burns.

This is it. I am without hope.

We’re coming closer, closer, closer. My heart is bursting with fear. They’re holding me over the flames. I am damned forever.

This is it. They are throwing me in. Fire, Pain, HELL.

Why Zack? Why didn’t you ever tell me about Jesus?

Your friend,

P.S. Wish you were here.


Don’t bother me.

Don’t bother me with souls to save
I have my own agenda.
There’s school to do, sports to play, important stuff to attend to.

Don’t bother me with my friend at work,
He’s got his own religion. I don’t have time to change his mind.
He’ll make his own decision.

Don’t bother me with that little girl, he girl playing in the street.
She’s much too young to understand that the Savior she could meet.

Don’t bother me with the sounds I hear. The sounds of people shrieking.
Although I wonder who they are. Who are these victims screaming?

Don’t bother me with who they are. I really don’t want the blame.

Cause it’s my friend at work and that little girl who from Hell, scream out my name.

But don’t bother me.

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this really made me stop and think..that what if there really is a place your sent to when you die.....its there decision Heaven or Hell!!

what a horrible letter it was.
It really made my heart beat fast."

A mans heart deviseth his ways, but the Lord directs his steps.

The lot is cast into the lap but the whole disposing is of the Lord.

I the Lord do all these things.

The Lords works all things after the counsel of His own will.

You kno they say you must be saved but, this letter mainly rubbed me the wrong way. The book of life..judgement day is more persist.

Honestly, this is terrifying i gatta tell someone about JESUS

This letter shouldn't scare you believers it should encourage you to tell people about jesus && use the gifts he has given you!

For the believer they don't go to the jugment throne they go to the beama seat. Only the non believers go to the judgment throne

After this came 2me dat i shud tlk abt jesus to ppl for their blood will b demanded frm all i wanna do is to save souls

It's realy terrifying... I have 2 do dat which was demanded from me by HIM who created me...
I wil tell it 2 d world...

This is so idk how to explain. This is scary and it made me think about all those people out there in the world who haven't been saved and one day when they go to hell they will remember us and ask y we didnt save them... EVERY CHRISTIAN OUT THERE TALK TO SOMEONE!!!! they need you now in this world more than ever before!!!!! plz talk to ur friend if they arent a Christain tell them about Jesus and you Father in Heaven!

I went to shiloh yesterday at winner it was wonderful, that night i got home and went to bed,i opened my eyes and saw my self in a dream that looks like real,i saw a lot of people around at once acid rain started falling and liquid flames flying in the air. Immediately earthquake occured and people where screaming it looks like it was reality. I was terrified and went on my kneels seeking mercy from God.immediately everything became calm and i heard a voice saying this is a warning to all the nations. Amend your way.

My special one,
I know all about you,although you know so little about Me,from the first day My father told me about you I fell in love with you since that time till date i have been dreaming of you,longing for you to hold you in my arms and succor you, to guide you,be with you,be there for you and to love you the way no one else can.
In several ways,at several times I tried to make this know to,some times you listened other times you didn't and most times you end up going your own way,do your own thing the way you liked and the way it seems good to you. Maybe it is beacaure you can't see me with your physical eyes,it pains me when I think it,beacause i have been there for you all this while with my arms of love wide open waiting.longing and praying that you would love me just a little more and embrace Me. Know this,

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